Categories: Audio

Six LED Stereo VU Display

The following image is the scheme diagram of six LED stereo VU display circuit which build using Dot/Bar Display Driver IC LM3915. This VU display should be connected before amplifier module circuit. You may connect this circuit at pre-amp output, tone control input/output or equaliser input/output. This circuit powered with 12V DC supply.

Six LED Stereo VU Display circuit diagramSix LED Stereo VU Display circuit diagram

About LM3915:
The LM3915 is a monolithic integrated circuit that senses analog voltage levels and drives ten LEDs, LCDs or vacuum fluorescent displays, providing a logarithmic 3 dB/step analog display. One pin changes the display from a bar graph to a moving dot display. LED current drive is regulated and programmable, eliminating the need for current limiting resistors.

The LM3915’s 3 dB/step display is suited for signals with wide dynamic range, such as audio level, power, light intensity or vibration. Audio applications include average or peak level indicators, power meters and RF signal strength meters. Replacing conventional meters with an LED bar graph results in a faster responding, more rugged display with high visibility that retains the ease of interpretation of an analog display.

The LM3915 is very easy to apply. A 1.2V fullscale meter needss only one resistor in addition to the 10 LEDs. One more resistor programs the fullscale anywhere from 1.2V to 12V independent of supply voltage. The brightness of LEDs is easily controlled with a single potensiometer.

Download LM3915 datasheet for circuit reference from the following link:

circuit diagram

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