This is the circuit diagram of 2000W class AB power amplifier uses 7 pairs MJ15003 and MJ15004 transistors for the final amplification block. The circuit operated with 90V DC symmetrical (dual polarity) power supply circuit. The transistors must be mounted on heatsink to prevent the overheating, maintain the transistors work in maximum performance.
2000W Class AB Power Amplifier Specifications:
Download the schematic diagram in PDF document for higher image resolution:
Goodluck 🙂
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essas informaçes são minha colaboraçao para quem for montar o amplificador acima!
me ajudem tambem se inscrevam no meu canal:
Corrente do transformador para um canal:------------15.81 A
Corrente do transformador para dois canais:---------31.62 A
Corrente minima do transformador para um canal:-----11.11 A
Corrente minima do transformador para dois canais:--22.22 A
how to get the foil pattern pcb 2000 watts class AB power amplifier
please send my pdf matrix pcb
Pls power supply section
I want buy pcb
Hi sir im interested in that amplifier could you send me a full partlist of components , pcb lay.out and schematic sir ? Ty. Send to email
Gd,day I am Cesar from Philippines,can you send me pcb board and components list? I want to build this amp.
Thank you
can i have the pcb layout of 2000w power amp?,and all compnents.
studiomaster 3.0amp repair tasting point guide in hindi thanks
Sir, iam2000waatt class ab pcb and power splay pcb my email