LED Flasher

Traffic Baton with Bulb or LED FlasherTraffic Baton with Bulb or LED Flasher

Traffic Baton with Bulb or LED Flasher

This is the traffic baton circuit which available in two versions that are traffic baton with LED flasher and traffic…

55 years ago
LED Flasher 2-TransistorsLED Flasher 2-Transistors

LED Flasher 2-Transistors

The following is LED Flasher circuit which use 2 transistors for LED switching. The circuit works similar to flip-flop operation.…

55 years ago
220V LED Flasher220V LED Flasher

220V LED Flasher

This is a 220V LED flasher circuit which is intended as a reliable replacement to thermally-activated switches used for Christmas…

55 years ago