Categories: Tone Control

Tone Booster

Below circuit is the tone booster circuit. According to the name of circuit, the purpose is to amplify the sound signal to become more powerful in both low and high frequencies. There is no potensiometer used for bass/treble adjustment.

Tone booster circuit diagramTone booster circuit diagram

Transistor type: Q1 – ztx384 ; Q2 – BC415p
The circuit’s peaks frequencies is at 5000 Hz for a cleaner and more penetrating sound.

Tone booster is the “fix” version of tone control circuit. Tone control is a type of equalization used to make specific pitches or “frequencies” in an audio signal softer or louder. A tone control circuit is an electronic circuit that consists of a network of filters which modify the signal before it is fed to speakers, headphones or recording devices by way of an amplifier.

Tone control allows listeners to adjust sound to their liking. It also enables them to compensate for recording deficiencies, hearing impairments, room acoustics or shortcomings with playback equipment. For example, older people with hearing problems may want to increase the loudness of high pitch sounds they have difficulty hearing.

Tone control is also used to adjust an audio signal during recording. For instance, if the acoustics of the recording site cause it to absorb some frequencies more than others, tone control can be used to amplify or “boost” the frequencies the room dampens.

Download Tone Booster circuit in PDF file:

circuit diagram

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