This is a sound activated switch circuit. It’s will turn on and turn off based on a loud sound such as clapping your hands. You can adjust the sensitivity (how loud of a sound will activate the circuit) from a pin drop to a Mack Truck Horn. Very practical for a variety of projects. Add a relay to turn on a light when your dog barks, or set of a siren when an intruder makes a loud noise.
Here the circuit diagram:
This circuit operates on 9 VDC battery or you may use a DC power supply instead of a battery. Electret microphone used to catch the sound (very sensitive). The sensitivity can be adjusted via potentiometer.
Components List:
R1, R5, R16 = 10kΩ R3 = 22kΩ R2, R6, R9, R13 = 220kΩ R4, R10, R12, R14 = 100kΩ R7 = 270kΩ R8 = 4.7MΩ R11 = 1MΩ R15 = 330kΩ R17 = 4.7kΩ P1 100kΩ Trim Pot |
C1, C3 = 10nF C2, C4 = 100nF C5, C6, C8, C9 = 1nF C7 = 1uF/16V Electrolytic C10 = 100uF/16V Electrolytic Q1 = 2N3904 Q2 = MPS6531 U2 = 4001 Integrated Circuit U1 4011 Integrated Circuit LED = LED Red MIC = Electret Microphone |
PCB Layout:
Download the manual instruction for this sound activated switch circuit:
This circuit kit available at, go to that page to buy the kit.
Sir,,Is there any circuit diagram u know..that can turns the house light on when c clap sound is appears n remains constant..n also turns d light off with any sound or a clap..If u know about dis then plezz make for me circuit diagram for me..N send it to my e-mail d…plezzzzz sir
i would like to enhance some of its characteristics by installing voice regonisition and multi voice commands to activate light , fan ,ac etc.i would like to have some suggestions and propose circuit . iwill be highly thakful for ur help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to do the clap activated switch but i donk know the procedure .!
pls .help for my project .. thanksx .!
Is there other substitute transistor for Q2? because MPS6531 is not available here…
this circuit has a problem as you can’t use any tv or audio system which may trigger the circuit. i was looking for voice controled triggering circuit
in what website i can find in how to make a sound activated switch?
I want to build this Sound Activated Switch but I need to understand its operation. Please send to me more information about this circuit. Thank You!
The diagram is too fuzzy for me to read properly.I would really like to try to build this sound switch.