Here the analog flip-flop circuit which built based on 2 transistors work as switch. This is very easy made and very cheap circuit. You can use this circuit as “the first project” for your students… 🙂
and the result should be like this:
Replace the Resistor 10K with variable resistor 20K or replace the electrolytic capacitor 100uF with other value for change the frequency of LED’s flash.
Flip flop PCB layout:
ahahaha…… //http.www.kill with
I can do this project by my own….. ^_^
try it also by your self…
I’m looking for a time dependent characteristic ODE for this circuit, as it would make an excelent example for state space analysis.
How Can make a s-r or another types of flip-flop in this circuit.
Plz Help me.
I go make a pseudo generator in my lab project.
i need more electronic diagrams and thank you so much ffor th ones have provided.
You can replace the resistor (470R) and the led with an relay (including a diode!).
that way you can switch about anything you’re mind can think off.
It’s so easy and funny electronic circuit.Thanks for your share. I will try it with 7 led.