This is the circuit diagram of DOD FX75 Flanger guitar effect pedal. The circuit drawn by Fabian P. Hartery.
Featuring a Width control and two output jacks, the FX75 was much more versatile than its predecessor, but the flanging effect it could provide was still not very intense. That said, chorus-like washes of flange can be easily dialed in, and the FX75 can sound quite musical.
Controls: Speed, Width, Regen
Components description:
- CD4007 dual complementary pair with inverter; (RCA)
- TL022C low power dual operating amplifier; (texas instruments)
- MN3007 audio signal delay, 1024 stage low noise BBD (5.12-51.2 msec delay)
- MN3101 clock generator for Bucket Brigade Device/BBD
- MN3101/MN3007 manfufactured by Panasonic; these are equivalent To ECG1639/ECG1641 respectfully
Official schematic provided with pedal by DOD (dated 10/14/1984):
Download the schematic diagram of DOD FX75 Flanger guitar effect pedal circuit in PDF document: