LM833N PDF Datasheet

The LM833 is a dual general purpose operational amplifier designed with particular emphasis on performance in audio systems. This dual amplifier IC utilizes new circuit and processing techniques to deliver low noise, high speed and wide bandwidth without increasing external components or decreasing stability. The LM833 is internally compensated for all closed loop gains and… Read More »

Galaxy Audio Booster using RC4558

The following is an electronic circuit called galaxy audio booster which serves to improve the performance of your audio system. This circuit uses an IC RC4558 in which there are two op-amp modules that can be used for stereo audio applications. The circuit is similar to stereo tone booster that uses the principle of High… Read More »

TEA2025 Datasheet

TEA2025 datasheet document DESCRIPTION The TEA2025B/D is a monolithic integrated circuit in 12+2+2 Powerdip and 12+4+4 SO, intended for use as dual or bridge power audio amplifier portable radio cassette players.


Low Cost Mosquito Repellent

Here is the simple and low cost mosquito repellent circuit design. The circuit serves to keep the mosquitoes out of the room or the location where the device is installed. According to certain publications, the frequency emitted by the male mosquitoes is said to be around 20—25 kHz, and so within the realm of ultrasound.… Read More »