This 2x10W audio amplifier circuit power output will be 10 watt on each channel with 4 ohm speaker resistance. The supply voltage required for this circuit is 8 – 24V DC at 1 to 2 Amps. Maximum output power will only be obtained with a power supply of at least 20V and greater than 1.5 A, and using 4 ohm speakers. Don’t supply this circuit with power supply voltage exceed 28V.
Components list:
R1, R3 _________ 1K2 ohm R2, R4 _________ 18 ohm R5, R6 _________ 1 ohm C1, C2 _________ 3u3 50V mini C3 _____________ 22uF 16V C5 _____________ 100uF 35V C6, C7 _________ 220uF 10V C10, C11 _______ 2200uF 35V C4, C8, C9 _____ 100nF IC _____________ TDA2009A Heat sink
Circuit Specifications :
D.C. Input : 8 – 24V at 1 – 2 A Power output : > 10W RMS /channel, 4 ohm load, 24V DC supply. > 6W RMS /channel 8 ohm load 24V DC supply. > 4W RMS /channel, 4 ohm load 12V DC supply. S/N ratio : > 75 dBA re. 10W output. Frequency response : ~ 10 Hz to 50 kHz –3 dB Gain : ~ 36 dB Input level : ~ 100 mV for full output
Circuit Works:
C1 & C2 are input coupling capacitors and block DC, as do C10 & C11 which are the output coupling capacitors, and C6 & C7 which block DC from the feed back loop. R1/R2 (and R3/R4) set the level of feed back.
The gain is equal to 1 +(R1/R2) = 68 or 37 dB. C8/R5 (and C9/R6) provide a high frequency load for stability where loudspeaker inductive reactance may become excessive. C4 and C5 provide power supply decoupling or filtering.
The kits of this circuit is available at, you can order the kit there with online transaction.
Download 2x10W audio amplifier kit manual include the schematic diagram and the explanation:
Download TDA2009A Datasheet Document:
Draga Domnule, Situl este foarte bun. Referitor la TDA 2009A, am cumparat de la Aliexpress, dar are DIAFONIE
intre canale?!. Rezistenta de 18 Ohmi a devenit de 30 Ohmi, pentru a mai micsora amplificarea si diafonia dintre canale.
Originalul nu se gaseste in Romania, iar cel fabricat in China nu este executat corect, pacat pentru ca se mai chinuie sa il fabrice si arata foarte bine piesa.
Best Regards,
Mihai G.
For my personal work i need one number of TDA 2009A kit,
Please send me price and address to buy the kit,